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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: MPP paying lip service to Lake Simcoe Protection Plan

LETTER: MPP paying lip service to Lake Simcoe Protection Plan

'MPP Khanjin got one thing right: The Lake Simcoe Protection Plan is the right place to start. But did her government actually read the plan?' letter writer asks
LETTER: Turn LCBO stores into affordable housing

LETTER: Turn LCBO stores into affordable housing

Province should 'implement a program that will bring in thousands of low-cost homes for low-income families,' says letter writer
LETTER: Silence on lake health 'reveals shackles' worn by MPPs

LETTER: Silence on lake health 'reveals shackles' worn by MPPs

'These MPPs are not serving their constituents; they are just following orders from the top,' says Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition official
LETTER: MPP praises efforts to protect Lake Simcoe

LETTER: MPP praises efforts to protect Lake Simcoe

'While there is much more work to do, our efforts are already showing positive results,' says Andrea Khanjin
LETTER: PM, premier leaving negative legacies

LETTER: PM, premier leaving negative legacies

Letter writer calls their leadership 'pathetic, uncaring, un-Canadian'
LETTER: How about a map for ERs, affordable housing, premier?

LETTER: How about a map for ERs, affordable housing, premier?

'This government's agenda couldn't be clearer. They're more concerned with alcohol accessibility than with the health, safety, and future of Ontarians,' says infuriated letter writer
LETTER: Closing science centre 'cheap, wrong-headed'

LETTER: Closing science centre 'cheap, wrong-headed'

Closing facility 'would leave a gigantic hole in the science education for the school children,' says letter writer
LETTER: Ford has priorities wrong, says local homeless person

LETTER: Ford has priorities wrong, says local homeless person

Letter writer can 'no longer afford rent because (Ford) did away with rent controls on buildings built after November 2018'
LETTER: Disrespecting the Canadian flag is 'the worst'

LETTER: Disrespecting the Canadian flag is 'the worst'

'I’m not against flying a flag to acknowledge various groups but don't remove the country’s flag to make space for others,' reader writes
LETTER: Like swimming in Lake Simcoe? Then we need to use less road salt

LETTER: Like swimming in Lake Simcoe? Then we need to use less road salt

Salt in freshwater can create multiple issues, says Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition executive director