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Church collects feminine hygiene products for area food banks

Mother's Day initiative by Connexus Church 'surpassed all expectations'

This spring, the Connexus Church staff team volunteered at Orillia’s Sharing Place.

While there, they learned that women often ask for feminine hygiene products, but the food bank either doesn’t have these items or isn’t able to purchase these products with the monetary donations they receive. Food banks can only use monetary donations for food products and are completely reliant on donations from the public for these non-food items.

The products women most often request include pads, tampons, deodorant, etc. Often women have to choose between feeding their families and getting the products they need each month.

Connexus Connections director Christine Birch realized that doing a feminine hygiene product drive at Connexus Church on Mother’s Day would help these local food banks to fill the gap for women in our communities. Church attendees would collect and donate all the products requested as a way to honour women this Mother’s Day. The collection was to be distributed to the Barrie Food Bank and the Orillia Sharing Place.

On Mother’s Day, the Connexus Church community showed up in a big way. The drive completely surpassed all expectations, with mountains of donations collected that day. Both food banks were totally surprised by the number of products and so grateful for the generous donations, and even commented that they were overwhelmed by the amount received.

As the next way Connexus Church is looking to be involved in their community, they’re hosting a free movie event on Saturday, June 10. The event will be hosted in Barrie and Orillia simultaneously at the south-Barrie Galaxy Cinemas and Orillia Galaxy Cinemas.

You can register for your free tickets at
