Today, Feb. 26, 2024, is Cupcake Day for the Ontario SPCA, the sweetest day of the year and a delicious way to sprinkle the love for animals in need.
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society is calling on all cupcake crusaders to enjoy a cupcake today and donate to raise some dough to help animals in need.
Whether you whip up some cupcakes at home, bake some tasty pupcakes for Fido, or grab a sweet treat at your local bakery, simply visit and donate to your local Ontario SPCA animal centre.
Or get creative and host a cupcake party! Changing the life of an animal in need is a piece of cake. Register online at, get baking and ask your friends and family to donate to the Ontario SPCA animal centre of your choice in exchange for a cupcake.
As a registered charity that does not receive government funding, the Ontario SPCA depends on the generosity of donors to help animals in need. By taking part in Cupcake Day, you are providing urgently needed care and shelter for animals waiting to find a loving home.
“Cupcake Day for the Ontario SPCA is the sweetest way to make a positive impact for animals who depend on your support,” says Stephanie Miller, vice president, development, Ontario SPCA and Humane Society.
“By enjoying a cupcake today and making a donation at, you are giving animals in need the second chance they deserve.”
Visit to raise the dough needed to provide care and shelter to animals.