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Parent volunteer running for school trustee

'I believe that there is much opportunity to do better for our kids and for our town,' says trustee candidate Tanya Da Silva
Tanya Da Silva is running for SMCDSB trustee in Bradford in the 2022 municipal election

Editor's note: InnisfilToday has asked candidates for school board trustee in Innisfil to provide a synopsis of why they are running for public office. The following is from Tanya Da Silva who is running for English Catholic School Board Trustee. Municipal elections take place Oct. 24. 

My name is Tanya Da Silva, and I am thrilled to announce that I am running for the position of Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board (SMCDSB) trustee. 

As a longstanding community volunteer, active parent, council member, and proud parent of three children in the SMCDSB,  I am familiar with the policies and procedures that govern our schools. While being actively involved within our community, our school and our sports organizations, I believe that there is much opportunity to do better for our kids and for our town. I believe that the future success of Bradford not only depends on bringing excellence with equality to all students but also on listening to and incorporating the input of our stakeholders such as teachers, parents, parish and community members. These are the voices that need to be included when designing policies and procedures for future plans for the community. 

For those of you who do not know me, I was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, and studied at the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy where I graduated as a Registered Massage Therapist in 2001.  In the following years, I focused on growing my business. My husband and I made the decision to move to Bradford 20 years ago so that we could raise our family outside of a big, congested city.  As many of you know, Bradford has changed and grown significantly within the past few years and it is through this growth, that I have become more aware of the needs that are becoming more apparent for our students, community and schools as they face ongoing changes. 

It has always been important for me to be an ongoing, active and involved Bradford citizen. I have done my best to support organizations that positively impact our community.  For the past 10 consecutive years, I have been an active member of the St.Teresa of Calcutta Catholic School parent/community council. My roles crossed all levels of council including six years holding the Chair position. These roles allowed me to organize multiple fundraisers, create community events and support our faith with a focus on our student Catholic graduate expectations.  We also coordinated traditional milestones for our students and their families within our school community.  As a participant in the subcommittee to help reevaluate the school boundaries, I had the opportunity to listen to and voice stakeholders' concerns at our meetings.  Bradford is a diverse community that has many cultural groups. Raizes Portuguesas is one organization I have helped to execute events within our community to promote cultural awareness.  I have also participated in the Nottawasaga Foundation Community Fundraiser for the past five years, which supports multiple charitable organizations within Simcoe County.  My family and I are also active parishioners of Holy Martyrs of Japan.  As parents, we know we are entrusted with the significant responsibility of stewardship in the mission of raising our children with Catholic values and responsibilities.  

I believe that my past experiences through volunteering within our education system and with our community partnerships make me a qualified candidate for the position of trustee.  I have proven to be a strong leader with a focus on student achievement and wellbeing and I have participated in decision-making that has benefited the SMCDSB while representing the interests of the stakeholders.